Thursday, April 5, 2012

What Kinds of Showcases should I do? What form?

Showcases come in many "types" (scenes, monologues, one-acts) and "styles" (improv, acting, musical theatre). The "type" or "style" is the LEAST important thing to consider when thinking of developing or participating in a showcase. The MOST important element is the overall way the showcase is packaged, or the "WOW factor", if you will.  I have been to hundreds, if not thousands, of showcases over the time I have been a manager - more than 25 years - and I can count on one hand those I actually enjoyed and benefited from.  The rest were quickly forgotten, mainly because they were uninventive, unstimulating and downright BORING. 

Let me explain.  You will draw more flies to the honey if your "showcase" has an interesting "gimmick".  This can be in the form of a fascinating venue: a park, an old gutted warehouse, an ice cream parlor, on a bus, on a train, in a public restroom (oh people, PLEASE - I am KIDDING...but only partly.  Come on, do you mean you wouldn't be a little interested if you were invited to a showcase presented in a public restroom?).  OK, even a theatre will do, AS LONG AS the show is of interest.  Try hiring a director of note to help add legitimacy and buzz around your showcase.  How about scenes interspersed with music from a well known or up-and-coming composer?  I have always wanted to start a play contest by soliciting plays from playwrights that are no more than 10 minutes long.  I'd choose 6 of the best, cast them with great talent, and spread the word.  People attending would not only benefit from seeing new talent but also the work of some new playwrights.

If you are thinking of developing or participating in a showcase, make sure it is exciting, unique, and has a great selling point!  Above all, DO NOT participate in a showcase for the sole reason of getting casting directors and agents to come to advance your career.  Your main reasons to do a showcase should be because you like and admire the other people involved, you like the concept, it promises to be a learning experience, and (IMPORTANT) it should be FUN!  Of course you will invite industry folk to come and see it, but it WILL NOT be the ONLY reason to participate in it. 

Right now a client of mine and I are developing a "showcase" of a new play we found, which my client would direct (she is primarily an actress but we are beginning to explore directing opportunities for her). This play we found is perfect for high schools and community theatres across the country, and getting it up in public will help in getting this play produced elsewhere. I will cast the roles with many of my clients to give them more exposure, and to provide them with a creatively fulfilling project.  Those are three excellent reasons for us to do this showcase. 

Understand? Good - now go start a showcase of your own!

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