Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Take Action & Don't Worry About the Outcome - by John Essay

“Take action” should be a guiding rule in all of our lives. We all have good ideas now and then, and we all have second-guessed them when it comes time for us to actually do something about them. The only people who can actually win the lottery are the ones who actually take action and buy a ticket! If we are to succeed at running our businesses, we must always take action regardless of the outcome. (Be reasonable, folks. I’m talking about running your business not robbing a bank!) Not every action may lead to the result you had planned, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take it. Try to resist the urge to procrastinate, or the common urge to “rationalize” why you shouldn’t take action on your idea. Here are some examples of excuses actors use.

“I’m not going to that open call because I’m too tired, and I probably won’t get the part anyway.” The important thing here is to go! Take the action regardless of the outcome! You may or may not get the part at that open call, but you might meet someone who may be instrumental in your advancement, or you might become aware of an audition for a different project, or hear about something that could lead to life improvement just by being observant.

Perhaps you find out that someone you knew or worked with in the past is now working at a theater or is in some position that could help you. Contact that person. What if they don’t respond? What if they don’t remember you? What if, what if … you get the picture. Send that email. Make that call. Go to that audition. Take the action regardless of the outcome. Without the "action," there will NEVER be an outcome.

Say you were thinking of making a video of some clever sketch idea to put up on YouTube, but get cold feet because “someone’s already done this before” or “maybe it’s just not good enough” or “it’s not perfect” or “no one will look at it” or “I don’t have any video equipment.” Take the action regardless of the outcome. No equipment? Your friends may have an iPhone or a video camera, and you can record on your computer with simple FREE software. Just do it!

If it doesn't work as you imagined it in your mind, so what? By seeing it for yourself, you have accomplished more than you could imagine.

1. You actually created something yourself. It doesn't matter if it is good or not. The fact is you did it AND it will most likely lead to something else that is creative and perhaps more appropriate or funnier.

2. Trial and error usually reveals things that you never intended to discover.

3. As soon as you can find a way to tape this project, you will then know how to do many others without much thought.

Take the action regardless of the outcome. You will be glad you did.

Check out what other Experts are saying! Backstage Experts

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